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About Us


WBAOSC is one of 20 chapters of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY), an organization of more than 4,400 members . The mission statement of WBASNY and WBAOSC is: "To promote the advancement of the status of women in society and of women in the legal profession; to promote the fair and equal administration of justice; and to act as a unified voice for its members with respect to issues of statewide, national and international significance to women generally and to women attorneys in particular.”



WBASNY members are comprised of both women and men attorneys across the state.  Our members recognize that it is important for men to be just as involved as women in fulfilling WBASNY's mission. 

Our membership year runs from June 1st through May 31st. 


Membership in WBAOSC offers great networking opportunities and social occasions; a broad range of CLE, at reduced rates for our members; opportunities to serve on/chair WBAOSC committees, such as judicial screening ; our newsletter, online and in hard copy; automatic WBASNY membership, including access to financial and insurance programs designed with members’ needs in mind; and opportunities to participate in WBASNY committees



Our Chapter regularly features an opportunity for the bench and bar to meet in a relaxed, social setting. Judges (and their respective Law Clerk's if applicable) are invited as our guests to attend a lunch at a local restaurant. Judges provide valuable information about their courtroom expectations to the bar, and the attendees have the opportunity to ask questions about practice and procedure. These lunches have been very successful and well attended. Attendees pay a minimum cost for their lunch and enjoy a a valuable networking event as well. Our speakers have included, Supreme Court Justices, Family Court Judges, County Court Judges, City Court Judges and local municipal Justices. Stay tuned for our next luncheon.


Membership offers exciting opportunities to participate on local standing committees and representation at the state level on various committees. For more information about committee participation, contact the WBAOSC president at


As a chapter of WBASNY, WBAOSC is certified to provide Continuing Legal Education credits for our members and other colleagues. Each year we sponsor and hold many sessions on various legal topics offering CLE credits at a reasonable cost. Be sure to check our Calendar of Events page for upcoming opportunities.


WBAOSC Foundation

The Women's Bar Association  of Orange and Sullivan Counties created the WBAOSC Foundation, Inc. in 2008. Our goals are:

 (i)            to promote greater understanding, awareness and support of legal issues and programs which are of importance to women;

(ii)           to provide a forum for women attorneys to contribute to the community; and

(iii)          to foster the education and training of women in law and legal issues.

We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization which provides scholarships and supports and funds programs and projects benefiting the advancement and education of women lawyers. Donations to the WBAOSC Foundation are deductible in accordance with law.

© 2009 - 2024 WBAOSC

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